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About Us

Hi! My name is Allie and I’m very excited to be in Uganda. I grew up in New York State, but spent the past two years in Texas. I have a masters degree in International Affairs from The George H. W. Bush School of Government and Public Service. (Gig ‘em Ags!) In my spare time I like to swim with sharks, ride bulls, and do headstands. I’m really happy to be going to Uganda as part of the education sector since I’ve enjoyed teaching a variety students from toddlers to college athletes. I hope you like our blog!

My name is Salisha and I'm feeling just about every emotion possible about going to Uganda, but most of all I'm beyond excited! I was born in Pennsylvania, but grew up in Florida. I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology, my previous positions have been focused in Special Education and Children Services. I love to dance, sing, draw, read and write. I can't wait for my journey in Uganda through the Education Sector of Peace Corps and having you with us through this blog, Welcome!

My name is Chantelle and I am jazzed to be heading to Uganda with the Peace Corps! I grew up in California. I just graduated from William Jessup University in Rocklin, Ca. I studied Child Development, Intercultural Studies, and I received my TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) Certificate. My hobbies are photography, reading, painting, and hanging out with people. My dream for the past five years has been to move to Uganda and I am so excited to be on this adventure with the Peace Corps in the education sector! Happy reading.

Hey ya'll, I'm Emily C and am PUMPED to begin my Peace Corps service in Uganda. I graduated with a Sociology degree from Susquehanna University, where I was given my first chance to travel abroad (a four month trip to The Gambia in West Africa.) For the past year, I have worked as an AmeriCorps volunteer with Colorado Reading Corps, just outside Denver. I'm excited to take the knowledge I have gained from my experiences in college, abroad, and elementary school tutoring and apply it in Uganda, while also rising to new challenges and constantly learning more!

My names Kara, and im super excited to be going on this adventure to Uganda! I grew up in a small town on cape cod Ma but have lived out of boston for the past 3 years. I studied psychology in College and have worked as a toddler/preschool teacher for the past 3 years. Im so excited to begin teaching in Uganda and sharing the things I'm passionate about with others!

My name is Bobby Daly and I am from Willimantic, CT. I am serving in Uganda as a Primary Education Literacy Specialist. I am very happy with this decision; Uganda culture has much to offer and I am learning more and more every day.


I went to the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA and graduated in May 2016 with a degree in Physics. Peace Corps allowed me to apply my knowledge to real world situations. This adventure will allow me to teach and share my skills, but also to learn about myself, Uganda, and the global community of which we are all a part of. Can't wait to keep you updated about my service! 

Hi everyone! My name is Allison and I'm from Attica, Indiana. I recently graduated undergrad this past May from Hanover College with a double major in international studies and Spanish. I love reading, playing tennis, and board games. I'm super excited to serve in Uganda and I hope you enjoy our blog! 

Hey everyone! My name is April. I’m from Long Island, NY where the beautiful beaches, dense woods, and amazing seafood restaurants are where I call home. I just graduated from the College of Charleston in May with a major in Elementary Education. It has been a dream to join the Peace Corps for years, and as my third time in Africa. I couldn’t be happier to be stationed in Uganda with all my fellow volunteers. I am SO excited to start working with the kids in my community and can’t wait to meet my Host Family. Stay tuned for updates on our group blog!

Welcome to our blog! My name is Sheila. I am an elementary level educator in Missouri, the place that I call home. This is my first adventure outside the United States and I am more than grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer here in Uganda-The Pearl of Africa

Hello all! My name is Ronnie. I’m 22 years old and was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. I went to the University of NE-Lincoln and graduated in August with majors in Anthropology, History, and Ethnic Studies. I got my dream job-Peace Corps! I’ve been wanting, hoping, working toward Peace Corps since I was in seventh grade, and when I applied in January.  I was wholeheartedly willing to go anywhere and do anything. Here I am, about to start teaching literacy in Uganda, and I absolutely couldn’t be happier!

Hiya! My name is Emily. I hail from Gilbert, Arizona, but I am so grateful to be calling Uganda home. I studied political science and French. I love live music, reading beautiful writing, and listening to stories. I am looking forward to learning a new language, meeting Ugandans, and eating chibati (a local fry bread) while I’m in Peace Corps service.

Ki kati! Thanks so much for taking the time to read our blog and stay updated on how we are serving with Peace Corps in Uganda. I am so excited to share some of my experiences and stories with you, and while it is impossible to fully convey the complete picture of what life is like here, I hope that in some ways, the beauty and variety of Ugandan culture is made evident through the translation. 

Hi blog readers! My name is Rylie and I was born and raised in Seattle, WA. I studied plant biology and Spanish at the University of Washington. Long story short - travel and volunteering have always been a part of my life so none of my friends or family were too surprised when I announced my decision to serve in the Peace Corps. Uganda is the 12th country I've visited so far and I'm planning to see a few more over the next 27 months. I hope my blog posts show my experience as a volunteer and inspire other Americans to travel in any way they can.

Hi, my name is Isabelle. I am a recent graduate from The University of Texas hook'em! I studied human development and family sciences and hope to use those skills learned in my Peace Corps classroom. I look forward to all the new experiences I will have and places we'll travel, can't wait to share my stories with y'all!

Hi! I’m Laura, I was born in Dallas, Texas. Following high school I served with AmeriCorps NCCC in the southwest region for a gap year. After service I attended Cornell University and earned a degree in Industrial and Labor Relations with a minor in business. Following Peace Corps, I intend to attend law school while reuniting with Game of Thrones and lattes.  

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