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Day Five

I am a Peace Corps Trainee who is afraid of being insignificant. I’m trying to make a difference, but who am I to do so? But, I’m here to do my part anyways. I’ve come into this not knowing what I’m getting myself into or whether or not I’m actually qualified to do any of this. However, the Peace Corps still picked me so I’m going to kick ass and do my part. My cohort and I have bee in Uganda for about five days not. We are in Pre-Service Training (PST) so the days are long and we are learning A LOT! Going into PST I was nervous about everything, worried about my lack of qualifications, and anxious about the unknowns. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited my home is now in Uganda, my biggest dream has finally come true. But with any unknowns there is fear. Since PST has started I’ve learned so much and my fears have lessened. I’m filled with so much excitement for the programs I get to be a part of and hopefully start. I hope that you enjoy following along on our journey as we learn, grow, and fall in love with this country. We are excited to share it all with you as we experience it firsthand.

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