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Site Placements

“Nsonyiwa, njiga Luganda.” (Forgive me, I’m learning Luganda.) This is the sentence I am going to be saying for the next two years to excuse my poor language skills. I’m sure we will all learn how to say this in our different languages. We have officially begun language training because on Friday we received our sites. We officially know where we are going to be living for the next two years. We officially have a home. My home is in Central Uganda at a boarding school where I am going to be teaching literacy and I could not be more excited.

We are all going to be scattered around Uganda, some in the north, some in the west, some in the southwest, some in the east, and some in central with me. I am sure we are all so excited. Extremely nervous, about the adventures to come but so excited to see where our community takes us. It’s sad that in a week we are all going to be going our separate ways and will not live all together again. This cohort has become family and being apart is going to be hard, however it is time for us to branch out on our own and find our own way in our separate communities. I will forever thank the Peace Corps for this beautiful family it has given me and I am so thrilled to see what we all do the next two years.

Tulisomesa, (we are teachers) and I could not be more proud of us.

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