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To My Parents on Christmas

Mom and Dad,

I know this Christmas will be difficult. It’s our first one apart. No matter where I’ve been living or what I've been doing we’ve always found a way to be together on Christmas. This Christmas will be different for both of us. But, I want you to know several things:

I am grateful. You have allowed me to travel and explore the world while always making sure I have a place to call home.

You’re both so brave for experiencing this Peace Corps journey with me. Thank you for supporting me even when people say to you, “I don’t know how you can do it” and “I could never let my child do that.” I know I signed you both up for twenty-seven months of sleepless nights and you’re handling it so well. From absorbing all the information the Peace Corps gave us to not crying at the airport to answering the phone at 5:30am, you make me proud.

You are the greatest examples a girl could’ve hoped to watch growing up.

Mom – you’ve showed me how to chase my dreams and never let anyone or anything get in the way. You have been an example, over and over again, of achieving goals when others would’ve given up.

Dad – You’ve shown me hard work is the best way to achieve anything. You’ve taught me it is perfectly acceptable to be stubborn and wait for what I want.

Mom and Dad, growing up you’ve always told me I could be anything I wanted to be, and the truth is I’ve always wanted to be just like you.

Thank you for supporting me on this journey.

I love you.

Merry Christmas!

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