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A Day in the Life

Most mornings I am awoken by the sounds of roosters crowing at 3am. The roosters will crow for about 10-20 minutes. Shortly after they stop I fall back to sleep, and I am awaken by a loud crying dog, that I didn’t even know my family had, nor have I ever seen a dog in our yard, but my lanta, it’s there and it whines for several hours in the morning. Finally my alarm goes off at 6 and I get out of bed at seven after several snoozes. Once I am up I take a quick bath since I bathed right before bed. Plus I am usually very cold in the morning and with the water cold you don’t want to take a long shower. Side note I have finally got good at bucket bathing, yes it’s just how it sounds. The only thing about bucket bathing I haven’t mastered is washing my hair, which I don’t think I will ever be able to do. Once I have bathed and dressed I go out for breakfast, I greet my family along the way. “Wasuze Otyanno Maama?” “How did you spend the night?” “Bulungi,” she says. Then I eat my breakfast and head to school. Walking to school is really a grand adventure. I walk up several hills through the jungle for twenty minutes to get to school. By the time I finally around I’m hot and ready to go back to bed. We study Luganda till about 12:30 than we head to lunch. Which you guessed it, it means we walk down a large hill to get to a restaurant eat and then walk back up the hill. We study Luganda until 5, and than head back down the hill to go home. While we walk up and down the hill each day we also have to worry about falling. I cannot tell you how many times each of us have almost fallen flat on our asses. We've also each scraped our knees, for me I scraped the same knee twice. My wound had finally healed and started to scar and I fell again and scraped the same exact spot. It's truly pretty funny, I can only imagine what others think as we stumble and sometimes actually fall on our asses or knees. Anyways once at home I bathe again. Then I watch Nickelodeon and Disney JR., play cards, and practice Luganda with my siblings and maama. Once dinner is ready I eat and than head to bed and do it all again in the morning. This is how we spend our days in Language Training and honestly I can’t imagine anything better, it truly is a grand adventure. I am glad that this is my Peace Corps life.

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