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What?! We live here?!

Fuck we live in Uganda. We are officially living in this beautiful, lush, green country. This is our real life. We aren’t just visiting, we aren’t just here for a few months, we actually live in Uganda! We have all moved to our villages and began settling into our houses. We have bought beds, stoves, curtains, shelves, clothes racks, and paintings, anything that could possibly make our houses feel like home. Some of us are taking over for another volunteer so their houses were fairly set up for them depending on who their starter is. Those new volunteers are busy making their house feel like their home instead of the previous volunteers home. We are at an incredible stage of limbo. Trying to figure out what the hell we are supposed to be doing while we are waiting for school to start. We are also trying to figure out how in the world we got accepted into the Peace Corps. We have all started to imagine and I’m sure panic about whether or not we are going to be good volunteers. We’ve started to dream about the projects we are going to try and start, the grants we are going to write, and the camps we might run. I know some of us have tried are hardest to not think about any of those things yet but i am sure its in the back of everyone’s mind. I just so happen to be someone who has thought about everything all the possibilities of the next two years.

With all of the dreaming, planning, and settling I know that we have all had our moments of loneliness, culture shock, and uncertainty of what life is going to be like for the next two years. All of this is just part of the process and all part of the adjustment. We’ve been living with so many people for months and now we are living alone. Trying to learn the ins and outs of our village, trying to learn the best ways to travel, trying to make new friends, figuring out the best way to cook, and the places that have the best prices for all we need. So of course there are moments of struggle, I mean who wouldn’t in this situation. Now, with all of this life really is good, we are each exactly where we are supposed to be, learning and growing in ways none of us could ever imagine.

Which brings us to where we are two days away from the beginning of the school year. Trying to plan what this term is going to be like. Imagining our students, and dreaming about all the adventures we are going to have these next three months. We are ready to fall in love with our schools and partner with the amazing teachers. Here we go, cheers to this journey.

I just want to tell you that this adventure isn’t easy but it’s been so worth it. IF you are thinking about joining the Peace Corps go for it. You won’t regret the decision even in the midst of the struggles.

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