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The First Week of School

Most of Cohort 5 started school this week. I know that many of us were excited and so very nervous about school starting. We were even a little unsure of exactly what we were going to be doing. I know that for me getting to know the students was one of the highlights for me. It also made the nervous go away, knowing that I was going to be teaching these amazing students for two years.

On Monday I met Joshua and Hanifah.

Joshua is a P5 student that walked into the P4 class just to talk to me during his lunchtime. Joshua loves English and Math. This is his first year at our school which I told him we get to be new together, which was something he got very excited about. Joshua is kind and brave. I cannot wait to continue getting to know Joshua and begin teaching in his class.

Hanifah is in P4 and she also came in during her lunchtime just to talk to me. Hanifah loves English and has been at this school for a few years. Hanifah is beautiful inside and out. She speaks with so much confidence in who she is and I am so excited to learn more about her and watch her grow as a learner as I teach her class.

They both hung out with me while we were waiting for class to start after lunch. We were a bit behind schedule. Ugandan time, nothing every starts on time… However, students still learn all they need and things still get down. Anyway, we talked for a while and then they began to read Judy Moody, the book that I was reading when they came up to say hi. I quickly realized that the both LOVED to read as the spent about 30 minutes reading the pages of the book to me together. In that moment my nerves of the first week of school vanished. All doubts of can I do this, am I qualified, and what difference can I even make disappeared. These beautiful humans are so eager to learn; so eager to read they just have to be given the opportunity. I'm so grateful to be here to create that opportunity for them and show how important a reading culture can be.

I can't lie and say moving to Uganda has been easy. I have experienced my fair share of culture shock. I have experienced loneliness leaving my cohort 5 family and living in a house alone for the first time. But every second has been worth it, all the doubts, struggles, and anxiety has just led to my growth. And moments like this make all the hardships disappear. Living in Uganda really is the best decision I have mad thus far in my life. Peace Corps is an organization that I am honored to be a part of. And to think my journey has just begun. So here I am putting my brave wings on and stepping out and allowing growth to happen. How can I not? I am at a beautiful school that is filled with beautiful souls, students and teachers alike. I cannot wait to continue building relationships and creating friendships with the teachers and children here. And I am thrilled to go to school on Monday and meet even more students.

Term 1 let’s do this!

Here is Joshua and Hanifah

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